In 7th Heaven as my weight loss hits 4 kilograms

It’s a long path, but every day that my weight is a little lower than the day before feels great.

Last night I met up with friends for Monday evening’s sunset Happy Hour at 7th Heaven by Burasari and we had the very low carb friendly meat and cheese platter and drank dry white wine as the sun set.

We sent the basket of bread back so we weren’t tempted but the platter of meats, cheeses, and olives, with gherkins and cherry tomatoes was fabulous. They offer a range of different platter choices so there are options for different budgets and hunger levels. Drinks were half price and the wine went down very easily.

Meanwhile at home, I'm needing food distractions. We are in the lead up to Christmas and currently making gingerbread houses. The first order is for about 85 houses, and with each one being 10 biscuits - 4 walls, 2 roof pieces, a front, back, door, girl, boy, and tree, the house has been filled with the smell of all this yummy cooking for several days now. To keep temptation at bay I'm making sure I have lots of delicious low GI food around all the time. And it really helps that the avocados that are so creamy right now. They are loaded with potassium and I eat them most days. I do find that when I skip them, I wake up with night cramps in my calves, but it’s easy to remember to have some when they are so good and cheap. Generally I just eat them chopped up in salad or by filling the well formed by the stone with balsamic vinegar and digging a spoon straight in. Guacamole also is a perfect low GI option – as a base for a poached egg, with crispy bacon, or as a colourful (but cold!) alternative to mashed potato. And the great thing is it freezes fairly well so I’m also cramming the freezer full of mashed avocados in ice cubes, before the prices rise again. I can then just defrost as much or as little as I want, throw in some chopped spring onions, a touch of chili, a grind of pepper and good to go.


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